ⓘ This website is a work in progress. Thank you for visiting!
NAILBATTERY is Tommy Hatfield, a twenty-two year old artist-kinda-thing from South Florida. He graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art in the spring of 2024 with a B.F.A. in Illustration. Intermittently he enjoys writing, illustrating, and printmaking (when he can get his hands on the resources). He spends most of his time imagining stories and characters, and some of his leftover time attempting to bring them to life through narrative projects. And maybe through alchemy or arcane magic or something, one day...
Much of his work is inspired by if not directly related to his obsessive interest in music and music subcultures, particularly from the 70s and 80s. He's also rather fond of monsters and robots, odd couples and found families, and (last but not least) blunt weapons. You are likely to find these themes scattered throughout his projects and postings.

THE TOWER is an ongoing project about a fictitious '80s band from Austin, Texas. Unfortunately this section of the website is a work in progress and not currently available for viewing, but you might find bits and pieces about the band on the @nailbattery Instagram.
instagram @nailbattery ★ tumblr @nailbattery ★ twitter @nailbatteryinc*
*technically an empty account right now, but maybe i'll post on twitter some day...
you can also email me at [email protected]!